Hands-on NRCS Consultation

  • Sat, August 27, 2022
  • 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Owenwood Farm, 1451 John West Rd, Dallas, TX 75228


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Hands-ON NRCS Consultation

Saturday, August 27th  @  8:00 am

Owenwood Farm
1451 John West Rd, Dallas  75228 

Have you heard about the NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) programs but aren't sure how it all works? Join us and participate in the process that NRCS field agents go through with farmers when they make an initial visit. Learn about the 9-step planning process used in helping you determine the best conservation practices on your farm. Urban Conservationist Michael Higgins will walk through the process with the  farmers at Owenwood Farm and you as the audience. You'll be able to ask questions and learn about programs specifically for small and urban farms. 

 Please be sure to register for the class so we know you're coming!

This workshop series is part of the Farm Success program, a collaboration between GROW North Texas and Farmers Assisting Returning Military made possible through funding from USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (award # 2021-49400-35628). 


GROW North Texas is an equal opportunity organization.

This organization is an equal opportunity provider.
View entire USDA Non-Discrimination Statement here.

GROW North Texas is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 7103, Dallas, TX 75209-0103

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